18 research outputs found

    The Steps to Managerial Excellence

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    Without any doubt, relaunching Romanian economy depends very much on SME sector getting out of the crisis, sector which has the main contribution to GDP production, to state budget income and human resources employment. Starting from these premises, based on scientific research performed in the framework of the VALAD* project, we present in the following a group of coordinates and markers which, in our opinion, are capable to relaunch indigenous SME sector. Elements contained in this study are complementary to the ones presented in the article “Policy coordinates concerning SME sector development in Romania”, published in the previous issue of this magazine.crisis; SME sector; SME’s management; entrepreneurship.

    A managerial modernization model in crisis conditions

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    The improvement of the economic performances of Romanian enterprises facing crisis conditions could be achieved by means of promoting and implementing a range of managerial modernization methods. Among them we mention several factors pertaining to strategic management: redesigning the managerial system, implementing methodological management – with an emphasis on profit center management and other managerial tools which ensure process and organizational flexibility – and professionalizing the management and managers. Based on the aforementioned factors, the model we put forth aims at increasing the management’s role in achieving reasonable levels of efficiency and effectiveness.managerial modernization, managerial redesign, methodological management, strategic management, profit center management, performance.


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    Management is the primary factor for overall amplification of efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness of the companies and economy. In this context, is significant to highlight promotion of strategic management, managerial reengineering, improving organizational and managerial culture, privatization of state management companies, professionalization of managers and management. All this, conceived on the generating causes of strengths and weaknesses, resulted on managerial and economic diagnosis of economic operators, can be integrated into a model of efficient management, whose operationalization will result in obtaining managerial performance and thus economic.management, crisis management, managerial skills, management reengineering


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    Management methodologization is one of the most important solutions of organizational efficientization and is materialized in promotion and use of modern management tools (systems, methods, techniques) and rigorous methodological elements of engineering/reengineering and maintenance of management operation (methodologies, procedures, standards etc.). Its implications are found in the managers’ work scientization, but also, to the extent that it is manifested in excess, in limiting the decisional and operational freedom of the managers and executants.methodologization, managerial tools, managerial methodologies,performances, professionalization.


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    Hospital performance is one of the key elements to be considered when the reform process is designed for a better patient satisfaction. The paper provides a means to define what hospitals actually do, and to compare that with the original targets in order to identify opportunities for improvement. Also the paper contains the principal methods for measuring hospital performance, such as regulatory inspection, public satisfaction surveys, third-party assessment etc. such as location quotients, Herfindhal specialization index, composite territorial development index, the regional distribution of FDI in relation to the development level, etc.hospital performance, regulatory inspection, public satisfaction survey, third party assessment, health statistical indicators.

    Models of managerial efficiency in crisis conditions

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    The Romanian economy and organizations are going through a deep economic crisis, generated by a complex of causes, endogenous and contextual. The unanimous assessment is that one of the most important causes is represented by the the unprofessional management of the central government exercised at economic operators and public organizations levels. Making the management more efficient, by promoting and using appropriate models is an important solution given it is supported by professional managers and specialists. Such models, differentiated by organizatoric "stages" of the economy have in common the promotion of the strategic management and managerial reengineering, which facilitates and directs the managerial change awaited for over 20 yearsprofessional management, professional managers, model of managerial efficiency, management reengineering, performance management

    Management, Efficiency and Efficacy

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    The organization management consists in performing the management processes, materialized in preparing, making and applying of decisions, based on specific mechanisms, with the support of diversified instruments, in an informational, processual and organizatoric-structural perimeter, judiciously delimited . The decisions adopted by the managers on different hierarchical levels aims the establishing and laying out the objectives, specifying the ways of achieving, dimensioning of the necessary resources, stipulating the intermediary and final terms, delimiting and dimensioning of the structural and processual components involved in achieving the objectives, coordinating and directing the active personnel to establishing and achieving the objectives, evaluating the results, casual seizing of disfunctionalities and strengths, correcting and/or updating the objectives. Its modernization implies carrying on of complex measures which would allow obtaining of an increased efficiency and effectiveness and, implicitly of corresponding performances.management functions; management system components; management efficiency; managerial performances.

    Classification of Romanian Industrial Companies based on the Management Strategic Dimension

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    The interest for strategy expressed within Romanian companies was caused by the fact that the external context has become more and more dynamic and unpredictable, allowing to different factors to exert a more powerful influence over the enterprise than previously expected. Consequently, by elaborating global and specialized strategies the companies try to anticipate and even to shape their direct environment. The analysis performed at this stage is focused on highlighting the main impact elements of endogenous and exogenous variables, conditioning the strategic and cultural dimension of the company related to its managerial and economic performances and, especially, the extent to which the managers understand and use such managerial tools in order to get performances and trigger excellence in management and implicitly excellence in business.strategy; endogenous variables; exogenous variables; managerial tools; performance.

    Analysis of the Industrial Enterprises Behaviour

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    Strategic thinking has always played an important role at enterprise level, especially as concerns profitable companies, even if this implies an implicit strategy or, in other words, the influence of the enterprise leaders, which was deprived of formalism, was not based on models of analysis and was not widely communicated. The article deals with the analysis of the main variables that significantly influence the competitive positioning of the companies and their evolution, emphasizing the strong connections among strategy, culture and performances. This analysis is based on a research carried out in Romania and is targeting to offer new perspectives over the factors that affect the enterprises behaviour and what are some of the options that the present managers can apply in a more and more dynamic environment in order to meet appropriately the stakeholders expectations.enterprises behaviour; economic and managerial analysis; strategy; organizational culture.

    Types of Romanian Companies according to the Culture-Strategy Binomial

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    The organization’s culture-strategy binomial requires a consistent approach of the external and internal factors that can impact on the company, influence its performance and existence and, consequently, the implementation of sound and explicit strategies that would allow the company to successfully cope with potential changes in the external environment and adapt in order to survive and develop. The organisational culture represents a component of competitive management applied in the most competitive corporations across the world and a premise for further development and efficient use of human resources potential in organisations. Internal and external levels, design and implementation, assessment and control, they are all integrated into the same logic, focusing on getting a better competitive position and meeting the stakeholders expectations.organizational culture; strategy; competitiveness; stakeholders.